Santosh G Vattam
MS, Embedded Systems (CIS), May 2012
Research Interest
I am a Master of Science and Engineering student majoring in Embedded Systems from University of Pennsylvania, graduating in May 2012. I am interested in embedded systems modeling and model based code generation. This interest has developed thanks to my research project with Prof.
Insup Lee as well as the Embedded and Cyber Physical Systems and the Principles of Embedded
Computation courses I took at Penn with Prof. Insup Lee and Prof. Rajeev Alur respectively.
The Embedded and CPS course involved modeling and implementation of a pacemaker, while the
Principles of Embedded Computation course provided the much needed theoritical foundation for developing embedded system models and verifying and validating thus developed models.
Research projects
In Jan 2011, I started working on the Medical Device Dongle(MDD) Project with Prof. Insup Lee.
The idea was to make patient monitoring, patient centric rather than device centric by developing a standards-based interface for medical device interoperability. We decided to use the existing device interoperability standard - IEEE11073-PHD with slight modications. I implemented the rst prototype of the IEEE11073 Manager and Agent state machines. We later encountered the problem of providing a medium for using the services of the MDD and thus we designed and implemented an interface to sit on top of the MDD. We have since presented our work at the Wireless Health Conference 2011, San Diego, CA and at Embedded Software Week Android competition, Taipei, Taiwan. We shall also be presenting at the International Health Informatics
Symposium, Miami, FL in Jan 2012.
Prior to this, I have worked on the Coverage Analysis of RTEMS(Real Time Executive for
Multiprocessor Systems) as part of Google Summer of Code 2009 and mentored another student in 2010 for the same project. This project was my rst step into the embedded