I have been involved in research in parallel and distributed computing systems. I studied various problems in distributed systems and distributed databases including deadlock detection and resolution, termination detection, distributed snapshots and consistency. I have been attracted towards the field of correctness of parallel programs. I published a Technical Report reporting errors in two published deadlock detection algorithms and highlight their underlying deficiencies with respect to the distributed nature of computation. I am also involved in the development of an optimizer generator, which would automate the process of writing optimizers based on the specifications of the optimizations. I am currently engaged in writing a paper on an efficient algorithm for performing global data-flow analysis. The new algorithm that I have developed utilizes the notion of backward information flow to perform propagation using work-lists in an efficient manner. I have been in correspondence with Prof. yyyy about my algorithm and other aspects of the problem.
I have chosen to pursue graduate studies at Stanford University because by working under the guidance of the distinguished researchers I am confident of making an original contribution in the field of Computer Science. My interest in research has burgeoned during my undergraduate studies at ***. I have excelled in our well-rounded and exacting