it is usually the most expensive form of day care. Pros to day care centers is…
There are two main studies showing the effect of day-care on attachment, cognitive and social development. Belksy and Rovine (USA 1988) investigated the effects of non-maternal care on attachment types whereas Andersson (1992) investigated whether day-care has a significant effect on the cognitive and social development of middle-class children. A strength of these studies is that both of them are likely to have accurate results due to their large samples; Belksy and Rovine 90 male and 59 female; Andersson 119 children and this is a similarity between the two. However a strong difference comes from the results Andersson’s study shows a beneficial effect of day-care on the social and cognitive development of middle-class children whereas Belksy and Rovine showed a negative effect with 47% of the infants showing insecure attachment when spending more than 20 hours in day-care a week. A large similarity between these two studies would be that neither can be generalised to other cultures due to the ethnocentrism of the samples, in Andersson’s study it is noted that Sweden have a very high developed social welfare system and other cultures may be different (USA showed different results). Also Belksy and Rovine’s study couldn’t be generalised for similar reasons as it was carried out in the USA on US citizens and other cultures welfare system may be entirely different. A final similarity between the two is that both of these studies have confounding variables that may have affected the results/findings; in Andersson’s study the wealthiest children showed better results therefore the background of the child may have been an effecting variable, in Belksy and Rovine’s study, whether or not the infant is used to experiencing new places and environments may have effected how much the strange situation affected the child.…
Many psychologists have researched into the effect of day care on both aggression and peer relations in children/toddlers. One of those psychologists was Shea (1981) who studied 3-4 year olds who spent a certain amount of days a week in day care for 10 weeks. He discovered that day care does not increase aggression in children as they became more sociable and aggression towards one another decreased. He also observed that day care improves peer relations, the children became more sociable with one another but drifted further away from the staff/caregiver. Children who spent 5 days a week in day care showed greater changes than those that spent 2 days a week in day care. This study could be criticised as it is not specified the number of children observed; this will affect the reliability of the findings as a larger sample would be preferred, this is because the more children that are observed the easier it is to pin point a trend in behaviour. On the other hand a strength of this study could be the fact that Shea went to a day care centre and did not set up an artificial play room as this could have caused abnormal behaviour due to the new environment.…
The sample included a range of ethnic groups and social disadvantages. Some of the results from this project also showed that day care could improve peer relations only if it was of high quality, in which case children showed a reduced level of antisocial behaviour and a higher level of sociability with other children. However, results also showed day care was able to increase aggressive behaviour when children spent more than 20 or 40 hours in day care per week. This further increased in children whose carers were constantly changed.…
In-home childcare costs are usually lower than that of a commercial daycare center. This can be for reason such as the provider sets the rates, and that there is only one person that needs to get paid. Having one provider in the home means that the payments that are coming in does not have to be calculated between several individuals, therefore bringing down the cost of…
They give assistance and safeguarding to those who can’t cope on their own anymore in many ways: especially bathing, dressing, health check-up; and keep their self-esteem and self-worth up. Day Care offer care and look after children to enable parents to go for work. They provide a safe environment…
These days, homeschooling programs have earned great respect from various people. When these programs were first appeared, parents have realized that their children can make greater progress as compared to those public schools. Probably, the major benefit of a homeschool curriculum is that your child will face fewer distractions that can disturb the entire learning process of him or her. It has been seen that most of the children can concentrate easily in a home schooling program as compared to the noisy classroom. In addition, your child can learn various subjects in familiar as well as friendly environment without facing any trouble.…
There are several objectives to think about with this topic. There are the social skills that you want your child to develop, because obviously if your child is at an in home daycare with only a few other children they are less likely to develop the same social skills. You also need to consider the schedule that you want your child and or children to follow, especially if one of your children has special needs. At a daycare center they will create a schedule for your child that is conducive to the other children in the class as well as the age group of the class. They might make a few changes based on the children that they have in the class at any given time, of for instance that schedule did not work for the majority of the class. In the case that you have an infant most daycare centers will allow the parents to make the schedules for the babies, until they are around 12 – 14 months of age. However in the end the schedule is generally designed to work for the class as a whole versus each individual child. On the other hand in an in home daycare there are fewer children and therefore fewer teachers. There are also several age groups mixed into one or maybe two groups. With that being said individual schedules are easier to follow. This will usually help more when you have a child with a special needs, that needs a little more care than the typical child.…
1.More possibilities to connect with other children equals more chances to learn how to socialize. Learning how to share and to not just take a toy from another child. Learning how not to talk when someone else is talking and waiting your turn. In a childcare facility, the teacher can introduce appropriate vocabulary using story books, conversation…
Being a single parent has its ups and downs and can be challenging and hard especially if the parent doesn’t have much support or help. Balancing school, work and children can be a hassle and take up all of a parent’s time leaving them with no time for themself. Who is going to watch my children while I’m at work or school? I need a babysitter. I can’t afford daycare. I don’t have reliable transportation. These are a few of the questions and statements that run through a lot of parent’s minds. Looking around Omaha, there are a lot of In Home Daycares on almost every corner or street. When parents can’t afford the high daycare prices they target In Home Daycares that meet the following criteria: the In Home Daycare is run by a neighbor, relative or friend in whom they know trust and they have a clean background record, the price is affordable or the daycare offers a payment plan, it is located in a decent neighborhood and environment, and an educational curriculum is taught within the different age groups.…
Resources has stated that so many families wish they could be home with the child all day but cannot because they have to work to provide for their family. It also states that some families struggle especially single families because they can not afford child care. Finding child care is very important to most because their children will be spending most of their time in that facility. A person normally works eight-hour days, so a child is at child care maybe nine hours a day. That child receives its breakfast, lunch, and snack at the facility and spends most of its day learning from this…
Daycare centers also have children separated by ages. Some parents see this as a pro while others see it as a con. If you want your child in age specific groups with age specific toys then this is a pro. If you want your child mingling will all the different ages and interacting with different levels of stimulation you might find this to be a con.…
It offers smaller class sizes and the ability to tailor the curriculum to the individual student. For students who are either above or below grade level this is a great advantage, because it allows them to work at their own pace. For students with ADHD and other learning disabilities, homeschooling can offer more one on one instruction with less distractions than there are in a larger classroom setting. Homeschooling generally takes less time per day than attending a public school as the student does not need to ride the bus to school, wait to use the bathroom and line up to go to lunch. Also, since students can work at their own pace (instead of everybody having the exact same amount of time for math and other subjects), students can spend less time on the subjects that they do well and more time on the subjects they struggle…
Day schools are a better option for those parents who wish to have close supervision over their children. Day schools enable constant parent-teacher contact and this enables the parents to be able to monitor the progress of their children in terms of both academics and extra curricular activities.…
-Strength of day care is particularly for couples who work on a daily basis and find it difficult to look after their children. Another strength of this type of business is that it helps the parents to be secure of their children as they provide an online vision of what their children do time to time during the day. This type of business goes hand in hand as it offers quality benefits to the society that makes it possible for people who are career oriented.…