Entrepreneurs, in the purest sense, are those who identify a need any need and fill it. It’s a primordial urge, independent of product, service, industry or market.
The U.S. economy needs all kinds of entrepreneurs from coders to clockmakers in order to close its widening fiscal hole. But the relentless, seek-and-solve breed is our salvation. They are the ones forever craning their necks, addicted to “looking around corners” and “changing the world.” They not lenders are the real money multipliers: the ones who turn $1 of capital into $2, then $2 into $10, and $10 into $100.
This is the true essence of entrepreneurship: Define, invest, build, repeat. “It’s just balls-out fun,” crowed Steve Spoonamore, serial entrepreneur and founder of ABSMaterials, a member of Forbes’ list of America’s Most Promising Companies. “There are people who love to sail the ocean or climb mountains, and more power to them but it’s nowhere near as interesting as taking a technology nobody has heard of, finding a market for it and launching it to your customers.
Usahawan, dalam erti kata yang paling tulen, adalah orang-orang yang mengenal pasti keperluan mana-mana keperluan dan mengisinya. Ia adalah keinginan primordial, bebas produk, perkhidmatan, industri, atau pasaran.
Ekonomi AS memerlukan semua jenis usahawan dari coders untuk clockmakers-dalam untuk menutup lubang pelebaran fiskal. Tetapi tidak henti-henti, mencari dan menyelesaikan baka adalah keselamatan kita. Mereka adalah yang selama-lamanya craning leher mereka, ketagih untuk "mencari sekitar sudut" dan "mengubah dunia." Mereka-bukan peminjam-adalah yang pengganda wang sebenar: itu orang-orang yang berpaling $ 1 modal ke $ 2, kemudian $ 2 ke $ 10, dan $ 10 ke $ 100.
Ini adalah intipati sebenar keusahawanan: Tentukan, melabur, membina, ulangi. "Ia hanya keseronokan bola keluar," berkokok Steve Spoonamore, usahawan bersiri dan pengasas ABSMaterials, ahli senarai Forbes 'Syarikat Amerika Harapan. "Ada