John Steinbeck’s novella, “Of Mice and Men” tells the catastrophic story of two displaced ranch workers throughout the great depression in California, USA. The antagonists, George Milton and Lenny Small are equally dependant on each other even though their personalities are contradicting. The characters that populate this tragic story are recognizably all poor and desperate for work due to the Great Depression; accordingly the characters are all distrusting, irritated and often lonely. The novella explores the effects of loneliness and social isolation as well as whether the two characteristics are mutually exclusive. Lenny Small, a simpleton demonstrates the concept as he is socially isolated due to noticeable mental disability. Curley and his wife show the radical effects of loneliness and ‘the cripples’ are isolated due to physical manifestations which cause all of their plans and dreams to go awry.
A significant character to consider the exploration of loneliness is Lenny Small. George’s massive, blundering and mentally handicapped companion is socially isolated due to his lack of intelligence however he is definitely not lonely. Lenny's ignorance and helplessness exclude him from the other characters as they have no common ground. He is entirely dependent on George to protect him from himself and others. We can recognize this when George says “I could get along so easy and so nice if I didn’t have you on my tail. I could live so easy and maybe have a girl.” This demonstrates that Lenny is a burden due to his incapability to look after himself. Lenny is socially isolated due to his mental incapability however it is evident that he is in no way lonely. We can recognize this as he is socially stimulated very easily. When he finds a mouse, he doesn’t realize that he has killed it but the mouse is all the company he needs to entertain him whether its dead or not he just appreciates holding it and stroking it. His company is kept easily, again shown when he sits for hours playing with the dog after George goes to town. Lenny’s mood is often dependant on George, he is nearly always in a happy and optimistic mood, even after he has killed Curley’s wife he finds a false sense of security in the story about the house he wants and is happy all the leading up to his death. This shows that Lenny has no reason to feel lonely even when he is in a position that most men would feel companionless. Steinbeck’s novella determines that loneliness and social isolation are not mutually exclusive as Lenny is isolate but definitively not lonely.
Another important consideration to analyse when contemplating loneliness and social isolation in the novella is Curley and his wife. Curley isolates himself from the rest of the ranch workers because of his own repulsive personality. Curley is a clear outsider from the characters not due to his status as the ranch owners son but because he is pugnacious, vicious and has a superiority complex. Even though he has a wife his state of loneliness remains unchanged and his consistent concern of his wife’s absence suggest sexual power is his way to prove his masculinity. Curley has no friends due to his narcissism, his loneliness is converted to anger, shown in the ranch when picks a fight with Lenny, “What the hell you laughin' at?....Come on, ya big bastard. Get up on your feet. No big son-of-a-bitch is gonna laugh at me. I'll show ya who's yella". This demonstrates the constant chip on Curley’s shoulder and his ever constant compulsion to prove his virility. Curley’s wife is another prime example of loneliness and isolation in the book. Her status as Curley’s wife isolates her and her desperation to socialize forces her to be flirtatious and provocative. Curley is constantly monitoring her and forbids her to talk to the ranch workers, isolation turns her mad and she states “I never get to talk to nobody. I get awful lonely”. Her husband does not stimulate her social demands. Curley's wife is so overwhelmed by her loneliness; she seeks friendship from other men. She seeks out the friendship of Lenny for all of the others fear Curley and will have nothing to do with her. "Think I don't like to talk to somebody ever' once in a while?” Social isolation is the cause of loneliness and this is shown by Curley and his wife.
A main consideration for loneliness and social isolation in the novellas are the crippled characters in the story. Crooks is recognizably the loneliest character in the story. Due to racial segregation at the time, Crooks is isolated from the white characters, confined to live by himself and excluded from social activities on the ranch. When Lenny enters his room he is oblivious to whether or not Lenny is listening because he is so desperate. Crooks reveals to Lenny “A guy goes nuts if he isn’t got nobody. Don’t matter no difference who the guy is, longs he with you. I tell ya a guy gets too lonely and he gets sick”. This is indicative that he is aware of his mental state in social isolation. This quote can be recognized throughout the entire story, Even though Lenny is mentally handicapped he is stimulating enough for George to keep him sane. Candy is another crippled character who is evidently lonely. It is not his disfigurement but his age that isolates Candy, his only real friend being his dog, although he cannot converse or interact on an intellectual level the dog is enough to maintain sanity, thus further proving Crooks’ theory. Upon his dogs death he becomes dependant on Lenny and George after his desperation to weigh in on their dream, even contributing over half of the cost of the house. Mental and physical defects isolate people and pressure them into a state of loneliness, demonstrated by the crippled characters in the novella.
Conclusively, it can be recognized that loneliness and social isolation is a prominent feature in the novella, “Of Mice and Men”. Social isolation is demonstrated by all of the characters who are handicapped; Lenny, Crooks and Candy. Loneliness is prevalent in Crooks, Curley and to a lesser extent Candy. The story demonstrates that loneliness and social isolation are mutually exclusive and that loneliness is processed in the mind, it is self-determined and even the most insignificant companions (Candy’s dog and Lenny) can maintain a man’s sanity. Social isolation and loneliness is a main feature throughout Steinbeck’s novella.