Stem cells can be reprogrammed to do any cell job in the body. There are three types of stem cells totipotent, pluripotent, and multipotent. Totipotent cells can grow into an entire organism. These are mostly related to babies and how the grow and develop inside their mother’s womb. Pluripotent stem cells can become any type of cell in the body; these are the most common type of stem cell. Multipotent cells can only become blood cells or bone marrow cells. Bone marrow is the soft, fatty substance where the production of red and white blood cells is stored inside the bones. Stem Cell Lines are special type of stem cells grown in a lab and only produce more stem cells. Stem cell lines are very important because without stem cell lines stem cells can’t be created. Since stem cells can do so much they have to grow a lot, but stem cells can become expired. To prevent this from happening scientists have found a way to store them in frozen liquid nitrogen. According to an article, written by Ian Murnghan, on January 14, 2016. “Dr. James Till and Dr. Ernest McCulloch, two Canadian scientists are given credit for discovering stem cells in 1963. In 1999 and 2000 scientists discovered that cells from bone marrow could produce nerve cells to liver cells to even brain cells.” This process is known as plasticity, which means the cells can be easily shaped or …show more content…
As we have heard, stem cells can be the result for finding cures for cancer, repairing tissues and treating diseases. According to scientists, Stephanie Watson and Craig Freudenrich, “the first stem-cell-based therapy was bone marrow transplant to cure leukemia. While doing the procedure the patient’s existing bone marrow is destroyed by radiation or chemotherapy. The donor’s bone marrow is injected into the patient and establish themselves in the person’s body.” Most of the time patients need to take medicine so their immune systems won’t reject the new bone marrow. With furthermore research scientists hope to find cures for diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, Lou Gehrig’s disease, arthritis and many