The first vignette that showcases the expectations of people in Esperanza’s world is “Born Bad.” For example, when Esperanza is pondering things after her aunt’s death, she thinks “The kids who wanted to be kids instead of washing dishes and ironing their papa’s shirts, and the husband who wanted a wife again”(61). This quote is explaining how the people of Esperanza’s society are forced into roles such as a kid doing chores, and a father going to work everyday. This suggests that husbands were longing for wives to come home to after a long day at work, and the fact that kids were forced into doing all of …show more content…
In the vignette, Esperanza is pondering what Ruthie’s life was like when she thinks, “She had lots of job offers when she was young, but she never took them. She got married instead and moved away to a pretty house outside of the city” (69). Ruthie is a girl, so she was expected to marry someone, have children, and raise them. This suggests that she was a disappointment to others as she was unable to do what society expected of her. Cisneros is clearly suggesting that people like Ruthie were expected many things from