Take for example, Rush Hour 2. The story follows two FBI agents attempting to track down alleged criminals. Detective Carter, and African-American officer and Inspector Lee, a Chinese police officer are teamed up. Throughout the film, during serious action scenes (people killed and other chaotic events), Carter acts childish and impulsive and is seen as the comic relief for the white audience rather than trying to advance the plot. A recent study showed that only 21 out of 112 police movies released from 1971 to 2011 had a black cop in a heroic role and over half were simply to give the viewers laughs. Rarely do we see a black male/female take on the role of the main character in a
Take for example, Rush Hour 2. The story follows two FBI agents attempting to track down alleged criminals. Detective Carter, and African-American officer and Inspector Lee, a Chinese police officer are teamed up. Throughout the film, during serious action scenes (people killed and other chaotic events), Carter acts childish and impulsive and is seen as the comic relief for the white audience rather than trying to advance the plot. A recent study showed that only 21 out of 112 police movies released from 1971 to 2011 had a black cop in a heroic role and over half were simply to give the viewers laughs. Rarely do we see a black male/female take on the role of the main character in a