This speech that Steve Jobs gave to a group of college graduates was a very informative speech. You know that this speech is an informative one because he talks about three stories about his life, which in turn informs the class about three things that they should take through life. He is not trying to persuade the audience to do or buy anything he is talking about. I believe that his main purposes were clearly stated at the beginning of each story. The purpose all together as a whole wasn’t stated until the very end of the speech when he says stay hungry and stays foolish. The first story was about how to connect the dots through life. The main point in this story was you may not know what you want in life but everything you do may affect how you respond to something in the future. The second stories purpose was to say that losing something isn’t always a bad thing as long as you have what you love. He lost his job but his love for something gave him the drive to keep moving and make a new business that still became very successful, because of his love. In the third story the purpose is to take each day like your last because you never know when you’re going to die. Steve has learned that he had cancer and had to face death up front, but then later learns that he had a curable form of cancer and still lives each day as if he was dying. Every day he asked does he like what he is doing and he said no so he went and changed what he doesn’t like. There are a few attention getter devices that Steve Jobs uses throughout the speech. One major attention getter he uses is “I am honored to be with you today..” which would grab the audience’s attention because it shows that he cares about them and makes them feel part of the
speech making it more likely that the students would pay attention. Another attention getter is the personal experiences he went through. This attention getter works great because it allows the audience to visualize