I soon realized that obtaining a college degree needed to become part of my personal goals and this achievement was necessary in reaching other goals, specifically career goals. Although my intentions seemed to motivate me to the return to the classroom, I did not have an end in mind. At that point, I was taking classes just to keep adding credits to my transcripts in hopes that one day I would have an associate's degree. This plan was, to say the least, not effective. I had some sort of an end in mind, but not an effective way to get there. This plan was no only unsuccessful; it seemed like a never-ending cycle with no degree in sight. In the words of Covey, I was "caught up in an activity trap, in the busy-ness of like, to work harder and harder at climbing the ladder of success only to discover it's leaning against the wrong wall." (Covey
I soon realized that obtaining a college degree needed to become part of my personal goals and this achievement was necessary in reaching other goals, specifically career goals. Although my intentions seemed to motivate me to the return to the classroom, I did not have an end in mind. At that point, I was taking classes just to keep adding credits to my transcripts in hopes that one day I would have an associate's degree. This plan was, to say the least, not effective. I had some sort of an end in mind, but not an effective way to get there. This plan was no only unsuccessful; it seemed like a never-ending cycle with no degree in sight. In the words of Covey, I was "caught up in an activity trap, in the busy-ness of like, to work harder and harder at climbing the ladder of success only to discover it's leaning against the wrong wall." (Covey