Save a life by stopping. What is the cost of a life? A few extra seconds to stop? Stopping is well worth human life. I am proposing that a stop be installed at the intersection of Highway 43 and Sharon Road, Madison County, Mississippi. A STOP sign is inexpensive, and can greatly reduce the number of accidents and deaths at that intersection.
On January 22, 2011, Felicia Harris was on her way home from work. She was driving East on Highway 43 approaching the intersection of Highway 43 and Sharon Road. Upon reaching the intersection she was driving at a high rate of speed ignoring the speed suggestion signs. By the time she began to apply her brakes it was too late, she was into the curve of the road and over compensated to gain control and veered off the road crashing head on into a tree. Unfortunately Felicia did not survive the collision with the tree. She was not the first or the last to die at that intersection. The need for a STOP sign is evident.
W D, a co-workers son totaled his car at the same intersection on February 5, 2013. He was traveling west on Highway 33 when a car that misjudged the curve hit another vehicle that then smashed into his car. The driver that caused the accident said “I did not realize that the curve was that deep.” (W D)
The intersection of Highway 33 and Sarion Road in Maon County is very dangerous. There have been a number of accidents at the intersection, from minor finder benders, major car damage and even fatal accidents. High speeds and crashes indicate a need for control by a STOP sign. STOP signs are traffic control devices that drivers come across regularly. High speeds can be controlled by giving drivers the opportunity to slow down before entering the curve that is on Highway 33 at the two roads intersection. A STOP sign is a much needed traffic control at the intersection of Highway 33 and Shaon Road to keep more lives from being lost.
The installation of a STOP sign is inexpensive
Cited: Phone interview with Andy McNair Mississippi Department of Transportation City of Fargo, ND –Stop Sign Facts Phone interview with W D