Implementation causes the chosen course of action to be carried out within the organisation. It is that moment in the total decision-making process when the choice is transformed from an abstraction into and operational activity. Harrison (1999, p.39)
Implementation a strategic decision includes conveying the decision to those affected and getting their commitment to it. It is an integral component of successful decision making and attaining managerial objectives. No matter how effective strategic planning has been, it cannot succeed if it is not implemented properly. Without effective implementation of a decision, the outcome may not be according to desired results. Harrison (p.40) comments management can determine how implementation affects the intended outcome inherent in the managerial objective'.
Paul Nutt (1998) research report into the; Leverage, Resistance and the Success Of Implementation Approaches, asserts that there is limited investigations into the success of decision implementation. Nutt (1998, p.213) argues that analysis of decision cases will explore the following crucial factors involved in successful decision implementation.
1. How managers go about implementing strategic decisions
2. Are implementation approaches different between top and middle managers
3. Do top and middle managers use these approaches in similar proportions.
Nutt (1998 p. 213) identified four distinct implementation approaches: Intervention, Participation, Persuasion and Edict that were being used by top and middle management. Nutt (p. 235)