Learner name| Assessor name|
|Prof Jose Mathew Mattom|
Date issued|Completion date|Submitted on|
Qualification|Unit number and title|
Assignment title||
In this assessment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria. Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found.|
Criteria reference|To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the student is able to:||Task no.||Evidence|
1|Explanation of the importance of strategic human resource management in organisations||1.1|||
1|Assessment of the purpose of strategic human resource management activities in an organisation||1.2|||
1|Evaluation of the contribution of strategic human resource management to the achievement of an organisation’s objectives||1.3|||
2|Analysis of the business factors that underpin human resource planning in an organisation||2.1|||
2|Assessment of the human resource requirements in a given situation||2.2|||
2|A human resources plan for an organisation||2.3|||
2|Evaluation of how a human resources plan can contribute to meeting an organisation’s objectives||2.4|||
3|Explanation of the purpose of human resource management policies in organisations||3.1|||
3|Analysis of the impact of regulatory requirements on human resource policies in an organisation||3.2|||
4|Analysis of the impact of an organisational structure on the management of human resources||4.1|||
4|Analysis of the impact of an organisational culture on the management of human resources||4.2|||
4|Examination of how the effectiveness of human resources management is monitored in an organisation||4.3|||
4|Recommendations to improve the effectiveness of human resources management in an organisation||4.3|||
Learner declaration|
I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged.Learner signature: Date: |