Singapore Athletics Association (SAA) was in established in 1934 (Singapore Athletics Association 2011). As a member of the International Association of Athletics Association (IAAF) the SAA plays the role of sanctioning, promoting, expanding and strengthening athletics in Singapore.
2 Mission
The SAA’s mission is to create a holistic environment in Singapore for the development of athletics and to establish competitive athletics as a viable career in Singapore
4 Background
During the recent years, SAA has been experiencing controversial feedback from the general public. In addition, its recent financial embroilment with the Singapore Sports Association had unfavourable effects on its public image.
As such, with the introduction of a new management committee (Singapore Athletics Association 2011), this proposal aims to device a strategy to assist the new management in strengthening the association’s position as the leading governing body for athletics in Singapore.
Strategic Analysis of Singapore Athletics Association
Rhodes and Keagan (2005) suggested that environmental analysis, both internal and external, are principal elements of strategic management in non-profit organisations. We have thus selected different analytical tools to assist us in examining both aspects of the overall environment.
8 External Environment
We have further broken down the external environment into 2 main sections; namely, the General Environment and the Competitive Environment. We have chosen the PEST model to analyse the General Environment and Porter’s 5 Forces model for the Competitive Environment.
The analysis of the General Environment revealed the immediate need to improve the performance of our athletes as both the government and the general public are starting to show improved interest in the sporting arena.