Tutorial Letter 201/1/2015
Strategic Planning
Semester module
Department of Business Management
This tutorial letter contains important information about your module.
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 3
FEEDBACK ON ASSIGNMENT 01 .............................................................................................. 3
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................... 14
CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................ 15
Dear Student
The purpose of this tutorial letter is to provide feedback on Assignment 01. You are required to read through the contents of this tutorial letter carefully, as it offers you guidance on what was expected from you with regard to Assignment 01. This tutorial letter also suggests possible improvements which you may incorporate into Assignment 02. Each assignment covers the contents of specific learning units and the associated learning outcomes. The outcomes in learning units 1, 2, 3 and 4 were assessed in Assignment 01.
Assignment 01 dealt with a discussion on the concepts of strategy, strategic planning and strategic management. It also introduced you to the importance, benefits and risks of strategy. It also dealt with the concept of competitive advantage and the requirements for a sustainable competitive advantage. Finally, Assignment 01 considered the structure, dynamics and attractiveness of the industry in which Apple is competing. Students were expected to present answers in an essay format, using the prescribed assignment guidelines provided in section
6.3.2 of Tutorial Letter 101. Feedback and comments on Assignment 01 was made through
References: Amit, R & Schoemaker, PJH. 1993. Strategic assets and organizational rent. Strategic Management Journal 14:33-46. Bateman, TS & Snell, SA. 2013. Management: leading and collaborating in a competitive world.10th edition David, F. 2013. Strategic management: concepts and cases.14th edition. Boston: Pearson. Dess, GG, Lumpkin, GT & Eisner, AB. 2008.Strategic management: text and cases. 4th edition. Chan, LLM, Shaffer, MA & Snape, ED. 2004. In search of sustained competitive advantage: the impact of organizational culture, competitive strategy and human resource management Ehlers, MB. & Lazenby, JAA. 2010. Strategic management: Southern African concepts and cases Louw, L & Venter, P. 2008. Strategic management: winning in the South African workplace. Mahoney, JT & Pandian, JR. 1992. The resource-based view within the conversation of strategic management Ohmae, K. 1982. Mind of the strategist. New York: Wiley. Pietersen, W. 2002. Reinventing strategy. New York: Wiley. Porter, ME. 2008. On competition. Updated and Expanded Edition. Harvard Business School Publishing. Rowe, C. 2009. Examining strategic risk: "strategic" risk or "strategic risk" management. Slywotzky, A & Drzik, J. 2005.Countering the biggest risk of all. Harvard Business Review, April. Thompson, AA, Peteraf, MA, Gamble, JE & Strickland, AJ. 2012. Crafting and executing strategy: concepts and cases.18th edition