Dr. Hans-Dieter Zimmermann Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Interorganisationssysteme Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik Universität Münster
1. Introduction to strategy 2. Market and resource-based view 3. Towards an inter-firm perspective of strategy 4. Inter-firm alliance and network strategy
IOS SS2004 - 09: Strategy
1. Introduction to strategy 2. Market and resource-based view 3. Towards an inter-firm perspective of strategy 4. Inter-firm alliance and network strategy
IOS SS2004 - 09: Strategy
What is strategy?
1. Introduction 2. MBV and RBV 3. Towards interfirm 4. Network strategy
greek: „strategia“ (The „art of war“) The term originally comes from a military context:
„maneuvering troops into position (...), the employment of troops.“ (vgl. Nickols 2000). „Die Strategie ist der Gebrauch des Gefechts zum Zwecke des Krieges; sie muss also dem ganzen kriegerischen Akt ein Ziel setzen, (...) sie entwirft den Kriegsplan, und an dieses Ziel knüpft sie die Reihe von Handlungen an, welche zu demselben führen sollen“ (von Clausewitz, 19.Jhd.)
After World War II, several notions and meanings of strategy in the business area have evolved, which are partly conflicting.
IOS SS2004 - 09: Strategy
Definition 1
1. Introduction 2. MBV and RBV 3. Towards interfirm 4. Network strategy
George Steiner („Strategic planning“ 1979): 1. Strategy is that which top management does that is of great importance to the organization 2. Strategy refers to basic directional decisions, that is, to purpose and missions. 3. Strategy consists of the important actions necessary to realize these directions. 4. Strategy answers the question: What should the organization be doing? 5. Strategy answers the question: What are the ends we seek and how should we achieve them?
IOS SS2004 - 09: Strategy
Definition 2 Michael Porter („Competitive Strategy“, HBR, 1996):