Team C
Seanee Alexander
March 7, 2015
Being a single mother isn’t as easy as it seems but as a single mother you have numerous strengths. Acceptances of responsibility, commitment to family, open communication, successful home management and having a positive outlook on challenges just to name a few strengths. These strengths can enhance individual and community empowerment in many ways. Single mothers acknowledge the difficulties and look for solutions. Having open communication leads to developing honest and trusting relationships. Successful single mothers are well organized, dependable and coordinate schedules. Having a positive attitude toward parenting and life in general in an important strength
to have. All these strengths as a single mother has can benefit themselves and communities by staying well organized, coordinating schedules, staying positive, finding solutions to problems and having honesty. These strengths a single mother can teach to give more education and knowledge to others in the community.
Displaced homemakers go through a lot of stress after they have lost a loved one due to divorce or death. They go so many years of not working and taking care of the family needs and home. There are government grants and programs that assist displaced homemakers to help develop strengths ad self-esteem, learn job searching and applying skills, assist with the educations and career choices, workshops to help manage money and stress, and counseling. When a displaced homemaker is done with the program they are a stronger individual who can assist the community, establish awareness, and create better and more employment opportunities and have healthier relationships.
Duncan, S. (2014, July 23). Being a Successful Parent. Retrieved March 7, 2015, from
Meta 5 Displaced Homemaker Program. Retrieved March 7, 2015 from