This framework is beneficial because Mourners benefit by knowing that life-enchanting grief reactions are productive and beneficial. Life enhancing grief symptoms should not be discouraged. Rather, they should be allowed expression while being carefully monitored so that they remain helpful to the mourner’s process of adaptation. All persons have individual and environmental strengths that can assist them as they experience grief. The mourner benefits from the reinforcement of those strengths and the encouragement to consciously employ them during the grief process.
Are secondary losses less important than primary looses?
Secondary losses are any less important, intense or difficult; it is just that they emerge out of, or are a consequence of, the primary loss. The death of someone you cared about is the primary loss. Secondary losses include loss of companionship, loss of role, personal identity, social status and the loss of hopes and dreams. In order for someone to heal they must adapt to each of the secondary losses that have …show more content…
Society does not want to give individuals the time and space they need to engage in brief work.
Grief work will take different times for different people, but ultimately will require the same three tasks. First, the mourner must relinquish the attachment of the loved one. Secondly, they must re-adapt to life without the presence of the loved one. Lastly, the person must establish new relationships with others (2).
In the first step individuals need to move on in order to proceed with their “normal” grief. Secondly, we need to find a way to make sense of a world that our loved one is no longer physically in. Lastly, after a loss you have to be open to new relationships and form new attachments.
Why is it so important to understand cultural context?
Everyone experiences grief and a sense of loss following the death of a loved one.