Liar- somebody who tells lies, lyre-string instrument: a plucked string instrument associated with ancient Greece and consisting of a U-shaped frame with a crossbar from which the strings stretch down to the soundbox
Sink-vti go beneath surface of liquid: to descend, or cause something to descend, beneath the surface of a liquid or a soft substance and become partly or wholly submerged
, synch-synchronization: the relationship between things that are happening or working at the same time, especially the correspondence of sound and image in a film
Draft-preliminary version: a preliminary version of a piece of writing such as a speech, essay, or report
, draught-current of cold air: a current of uncomfortably cold air penetrating a room or other space
Made-artificially produced: produced by artificial means
, maid-woman domestic worker: a female domestic employee such as one working in a hotel or tourist accommodation
Shear-cut something off: to remove something with a sharp tool
, sheer-complete and utter: used to emphasize the unlimited extent or unmitigated quality of something
Sole- bottom of foot: the underside of the foot from the toes to the heel
, soul-nonphysical aspect of person: the complex of human attributes that manifests as consciousness, thought, feeling, and will, regarded as distinct from the physical body
Fay-fairy: a fairy, elf, or other small supernatural being from folklore
, fey-otherworldly: having a manner or appearance that gives an impression of otherworldliness or unworldliness
Faint-dim: not bright, clear, or loud
, feint-deceptive action: a deceptive action made to disguise what is really intended
Peal- ringing of bells: a ringing of bells, especially a change or series of changes rung on bells
, peel-remove