Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA)
References American Stroke Association (2012). Stroke Diagnosis. Retrieved from http://strokeassociation.org
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2010). Stroke. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/stroke/
McCance, K.L. & Huether, S.E. (2010). Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for disease in adults and children (6th ed). Maryland Heights, MO: Mosby.
National Stroke Association (2013). Stroke. Retrieved from http://www.stroke.org/
For additional information contact: * primary care physician * American Stroke Association * www.strokeassociation.org * Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) * www.cdc.gov/stroke * National Stroke Association * www.stroke.org * 1-800-STROKES
For additional information contact: * primary care physician * National Stroke Association www.stroke.org * Centers for Disease Control (CDC) www.cdc.gov/stroke Stroke
“Time is brain”
Google images: stroke
Google images: stroke
Google images: stroke
Prevention for Stroke
Up to 80% of strokes can be prevented by making lifestyle changes. * blood pressure control * medications to lower blood pressure * normal BP 120/80
* lower cholesterol * heart healthy diet * low sodium * low fat * medications * statins
* exercise regimen * daily exercise * at least 20 minutes
* stop smoking
* limit alcohol use
Risk Factors * high blood pressure * high cholesterol * smoking * diabetes * obesity * atrial fibrillation
A stroke occurs when an artery to the brain is blocked or suddenly ruptures. The brain does not get the blood that it needs to survive.
* CVAs are the third leading cause of death in the United States * Worldwide, 4.5 million people
References: American Stroke Association (2012). Stroke Diagnosis. Retrieved from http://strokeassociation.org Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2010) McCance, K.L. & Huether, S.E. (2010). Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for disease in adults and children (6th ed). Maryland Heights, MO: Mosby. National Stroke Association (2013)