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Student’s name: Guiqin zhao
Crohn’s Disease (CD) is a chronic intestinal inflammatory disorder, also called regional enteritis. CD has remission and exacerbation phases. Researchers are uncertain why does initial flare- up happens but it is thought to be a bacterial or viral infection (Harvard Health, 2007) .it usually involves the small and large intestines and can lead to malabsorption and malnutrition (lemone &Burke). Once started the symptoms are chronic and lifelong with periods of remission in between bouts of active symptoms. Diagnosing CD may be lengthy, requiring non – invasive as well as invasive tests. A check of the stool could indicate bleeding, a blood test might indicate anemia or the antibody associated with Crohn’s. Abdominal x ray could indicate intestinal wall thickening. Physicians may need to do colonoscopy, biopsy to diagnose the disease ( Harvard Heath). CD is classified as an inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) (Neighbors & Tannehill -jones, 2006). CD can be a debilitating disease and can affect all aspects of person’s life intensely as seen in the case of SM. Using a case study of an individual with Crohn’s disease, I will address how the CD impact on patient’s social, financial, and personal life, how patient
References: Reference Crohn’s & colitis Foundation of America(CCFA),(2009) http://www.ccfa.org/info/about/crohn Harvard health (20070 Neighbors, M & Tannehill-jones, R. (2006) Human disease ( 2nd ed). Clifton Park, NY: Thomson Delmar learning. Retrieved May 12, 2009 from the University of Phoenix library. Cohen, Joan Dorfman (1995)