According to Ormrod (2016), Vygotsky suggested that there is a …show more content…
Struthers’ actions indicated that she recognized the accident had restricted Wesley’s capability of cognitive learning (she returned him to the French I text materials). Her actions also demonstrated her belief that with her assistance and guidance, she could create a zone of proximal development which would not only strengthening Wesley’s cognitive processing of the French language (Ormrod, 2016) but also promote further healing and rehabilitation because he would be with his classmates throughout the process. Struthers used the following strategies to encourage Wesley’s forward progression in a new ZPD and to promote his maximum cognitive growth. First, Struthers gave Wesley the opportunity to learn at a level that was challenging (French I textbook), but not so difficult that it was discouraging. The French I textbook empowered Wesley to maximize his cognitive growth by revitalizing French “learning and problem solving abilities” lost as a result