Fellow inhinyeros, faculties, teachers, administration, a pleasant evening to all of you!
The name’s Darren Carlos Dela Cruz, BSCVE 1, vying for the position of PRO. I stand before you today, urging you to vote for me. Today’s election is of dire importance to both short-term and long-term future of the College of Engineering. That is why we need strong leadership next year. I would like to remind you all that the position of PRO is not a figurehead. This is a real job with real hard work and strong dedication, and I feel that I am the best qualified candidate to perform the job and assume the role. I’m a freshman and I come out bringing new energy and new enthusiasm to the student council. I have a modest track record in the school academic as well as active participations in activities. Furthermore, I am ready to work with willingness for your benefit. If you empower me with your confidence and trust, I will do everything but the impossible to represent your interests and achieve our common goals and ideals. Ladies and gentlemen, I cannot encourage you enough to make the right choice and vote me/us. But our dedication and hard work will lead us into a golden age.
Before I conclude my speech, I would like to present to you one of our platforms for the coming Academic Year.
PLATFORM: Transmission of Information
* Thoroughly develop the college paper, The Engineering Perspective * We will serve as a mediator between the students and faculty members in different fields of their studies especially during the arousal of problems * Advanced information announcement --- As one of our