Chapter 2
Review Literature
The chapter states the different literature and studies that were conducted for the research to gain familiarity that are relevant and similar to the present study.
In Executive Order No. 264, initiative in ICT was defined as the totality of electronics means of collecting, storing, processing and presenting information to end-users in support of their activities. It consists, among other computer systems, office systems and consumer electronics including the telephone system, the internet, fax machine and computers.
Republic Act No. 8792, know and known as the “Electronic Commerce Act of 2001” provided for the Computerization of all government services by the year 2002. The state recognized the vital role of information and communication technology (ICT) in nation-building, the need to create an information-friendly environment which support and ensures the availability, diversity and affordability of ICT products and services, and a labor orce skilled in the use of ICT and population capable of operating and utilizing electronic appliances and computers. Its obligation is to facilitate the transfer and promotion of technology, to ensure network security, connectivity and neutrality of technology for the national benefit.
In addition, the Information and Electronic Commerce Council (ITECC) was created July 12, 2000 through Executive Order No. 264 through the merging of the Nation Information Technology Council (NITC) and the Electronic Commerce Promotion Council (ECPC). This aims to ensure a streamlined and focused formulation and Implementation of ICT and e-commerce policies, to enable the country to move faster and keep pace with rapid developments in Technology and complete in the global digital economy.
Computerization world is more efficient one, which is the processing the big quantities of data. By the use of computers, computerization is a control system that manages the processes in a workplace.