Overview of the study
This chapter provides the overview of the study about additional skills for the job preparation. The skills mean an ability and capacity acquired through deliberate, systematic, and sustained effort to smoothly and adaptively carryout complex activities or job functions involving ideas(cognitive skills), thing (technical skills) and or people (interpersonal skills), while the additional are mean that to add more value in your skills to be more valuable in the job market.
It is important to take the opportunity to develop the more additional skills for job preparations whilst at university as a degree is not enough. The additional skills can be technical skill, problem solver, relationship building, leadership, organizer and others. There are some of the most important skills to employers. You may have a fighting chance of any job that you are qualified for your additional skills.
Research Question
1. What are the perceptions about availability of co-curriculum training for their job preparations?
2. Students are getting pressure by their family and culture when choosing the additional skills for their job preparation?
3. The perceptions of student about the facilities of the college are important to help the student to build additional skills?
4. The students are interesting about the additional skill they are choosing?
5. Technology assistance in the college is giving greatest effect to student in choosing additional skills?
Research Objective
1. To find out the perception of student for the availability of co-curiculum training for their job preparation
2. To identify whether the student are getting pressure by their family and culture to choosing additional skill
3. To investigate the relationship between facilities and student’s opinion to choosing additional skill for job preparation
4. To identify the students are interesting about the