Dr. Levesque
English 60
17 October 2014
Purpose of Extreme Sports
Extreme sports aren’t the sort of activities recognize and known about around the world in contrast to others. The factor that separates these extreme activities from everything else is the high levels of danger and risk. Although, the danger of extreme sports, it successfully continues to attract many around the world with its psychological benefits.
To begin with, one of the psychological motives for extreme sports participation is going to the one mental and physical limit. For instance, going beyond limits sometimes is stated as a great idea to the finding one self as person with worlds unknown. Another main aspect the tides in with the psychological factor “beyond the limit” is human beings who part take in extreme activity state their motive, as being allowed to feel alive in a certain way by doing something frightening yet accomplishing at same time. For some people, extreme sports are just experiences which can be helpful to feel that they do have a body. For many these is only possible to identify in overzealous situations such as adventure sports.
The imperfections of risk in one is also another motive behind the reason of why people choose to part take in risk taking such as extreme sports. Risk taking for extreme sport lovers is something crucial to know. With the extreme athletes themselves to any other person tendency of overestimation is something that part takes in our lives daily. In many studies, the challenge of extreme sports has been proven to be independent, because of its amount of opportunity, in contrast to other sports. Therefore, independence is another motive why people are choosing to take risk and extreme sports are growing its popularity around the world.
Professional Researchers and psychological doctors have attempted to identify and explain the neuropsychological motives that have conducted many to look for no limit experiences. In many