Towns: Chapter I
What does “prolegomena” mean?
Things that are said before
Pro: to go before
Lego: to say or speak
What are the three presuppositions of prolegomena?
1. There is a God
2. Truth exists
3. Person can know the truth
What is the contemporary usage of the word “theology?”
1. Study of belief of God, His relationship to the world, to man
2. Strong: Theology is the science of God and the relations between God and the universe
3. Fitzwater: Theology is the science of God's essential being and His relationship to the universe as set forth in the Holy Scriptures.
4. Science of Religion
5. the doctrines of the church
What is catechism?
Answering the question, "What is theology", by setting theology within a scheme of questions and answers.
What are five presuppositions for the task of theologizing?
1. There is a God and He has revealed Himself
2. There are laws that are self-evident
3. Man has the ability to know things to the degree to which he observes them
4. Truth doesn't contradict itself
5. The mind accepts that which is logical and rejects that which is illogical
What are the tests used to verify theological truths? Explain.
1. Consistency: It must be consistent and true.
2. Correspondence: Does it correspond with reality or life?
3. Priority of data: What is essential and what is irrelevant?
4. Cohesiveness: Determine the cohesive nature of data. The center and key of Christianity is Jesus Christ, without Him Christianity doesn't exist.
5. Thoroughness: a thorough examination of any and all questions related to the topic.
What is the aim of Biblical theology?
Arrange and classify the facts of revelation, confining itself to the Scriptures for its material, and treating of doctrine only so far as it was developed at the close of the apostolic age.
Where does Biblical theology get its material?
1. languages the Bible was written in
2. textual criticism to determine the best biblical