To what extent do biological, cognitive, and sociocultural factors influence abnormal behavior? I. Introduction * Biological, cognitive, and sociocultural factors influence abnormal behavior to a great extent. * All influence abnormal behavior such as anxiety disorders, affective disorders, and eating disorders. * All of these factors are considered “risk factors” increasing a person’s likelihood of having an abnormal psychiatric outcome but do not necessarily “cause” abnormalities. * One affective disorder that is strongly influenced by biological, cognitive, and sociocultural factors is Major Depressive Disorder (also known as depression)///// One eating disorder that is strongly influenced by biological, cognitive, and sociocultural factors is anorexia nervosa * How all factors contribute is suggested by Walkner/Tessner model
II. Biological (Inherited factors
INHERITED FACTORS * Nurnberger and Gershon
-Higher concordance rate for depression for monozygotic twins (64%) than dizygotic twins (14%)
-genetic factors might pre-dispose people to depression
-since much less than 100%, suggests genetic vulnerability rather than cause * Duenwald (2003)
-short variant of the S-HTT gene may be associated with a higher risk of depression
-plays a role in the serotonin pathways which scientists think are involved in controlling mood, emotions, aggression, sleep, and anxiety * Joseph Schildkraut (1965)
-Catecholamine hypothesis: depression is associated with low levels of noradrenaline
-this develops into serotonin hypothesis * Serotonin Hypothesis
-serotonin is the neurtotransmitter responsible for depression
-Delgado and Moreno (2000): study where balance of serotonin was off in patients with depression --affective disorder may influence production of neurotransmitters
PRENATAL/POSTNATAL * Gunnar/cortisol
-639 Mexican mothers and kids in study
-depressed mothers in