Analysis of oxalate of fresh and stored tomato juice
Devshikha*, Nitya Priyadarshi*, Sukriti Rani Prasad**
*B.Sc. –II year (2008-2011), Department of Botany, Patna Women's College, Patna University **Lecturer (Guest faculty), Department of Botany, Patna Women's College, Patna University Tomatoes are most widely used vegetable in daily life. Fresh ripe fruits of tomatoes are refreshing appetizing and are consumed raw in salads or after cooking. Unripe fruits are cooked and eaten. Tomatoes are consumed also in the form of juice, paste, ketchup, sauce, soup and powder. According to latest studies in nutritional chemistry red tomatoes raw nutritional value per 100 gm (3.5 oz) contains 20 kcal, carbohydrate - 4 gm, sugar – 2.6 gm, dietary fibre – 1 gm, fat – 0.2 gm, protein – 1 gm, water – 95 gm, vitamin C – 13 gm. It also contains minerals like calcium – 48 gm, phosphorous 20 –gm, iron – 0.4 gm, small amount of vitamin B complex. The tomato is essentially an alkaline vegetable, its acid taste is due to malic acid which is about 0.5% it also contains 0.52& to 1.81 citric acid and only a trace of oxalic acid is present. These acids in tomatoes, in combination with sodium and potassium either form sodium or potassium acid malate, citrate or oxalate. Their end products when oxidized in the body are carbon dioxide, water and the carbonates of potassium and sodium. The latter has alkaline reaction. Tomatoes thus leave an alkaline ash in the process of oxidized by the body. This increases the alkalinity of the blood and decreases the urine and neutralizes the acid compounds of the body such as phosphates, urea and ammonia. It is, therefore, highly beneficial in the treatment of acidosis and other diseases associated with too much acid in the system. The presence of oxalate ions and oxalic acid content in tomatoes is also a cause of kidney stones. Several researches have proven that the