Referring to the above topic; Training and development programs in the organizations play a very important and prominent role for the effective utilization of man power available to the organization. There is a huge need for training and development for the betterment of human resources of organization and to drive them in a correct path such that to achieve the organizational goal and objectives. The both organization as a whole and individual should develop and progress simultaneously for their survival and attainment of mutual goals and objectives.
Employee training and development is one of the specialized function and also a fundamental operative function of human resources management. Training of individuals employed plays a prominent role in today’s organization, because today recruiting and selecting high potential employee doesn’t guarantee their effectiveness in performing the assigned job or work.
Training helps the people to perform the assigned job effectively and also ensures the employees what to do and how to do, thus the thing organization has to do is to orient the training measures and also help the employee to develop themselves in terms of knowledge and skill, regarding to the job that they are to perform
Training is more inclusive than it is used to be, training is used to focus mostly on teaching technical skills, such as training individuals according to their work and develop skills towards their assigned job.
Thus the need for training and developing the employees individually is necessary for an organization to use its man power effectively and make their human resource more valuable and drive them in a right path such that both organizational and individual goals are achieved.
Training refers to