But the most important question is (and one that most people don’t explore)
Why did he continue to take these painkillers months after his surgery? Why did the very strong minded Prince, the health nut, continue taking them after the pain …show more content…
BECAUSE IT SAVES LIVES. Suboxone is a prescribed medication that most treatment centers and addiction specialist use for weaning their patients off opiates comfortably. It has fewer side effects, unlike methadone, which is a more dangerous drug than the opiates they were addicted to. Suboxone relieves the patient of wanting to use, taking away that itch one feels which often causes relapse. It also has a blocker medication (Naloxone) that keeps them from feeling the effects of an opiate if they did take one. This makes it much easier to decide against using. More and more addiction specialists today are finding that long term use of Suboxone has been extremely successful in reducing the relapse rate in patients. It has little long-term effects and is even approved for pregnant women to use if needed.
Sadly, Prince died the morning the Doctor's son arrived. Had he been there one-day earlier, Prince would be alive today and most likely continue to take Suboxone for years to