Success Factors of Soft Drinks Manufacturers In Bangladesh
Soft Drinks Industry like other developing and developed countries is getting much popularity in Bangladesh. The number of firms operating in this industry is getting increased. The market is also increasing in a greater portion. Today most of the people in both urban and rural areas are taking soft drinks in a large amount.
To capture this market many global brands are competing with local brands now. However the local brands (Mojo and Pran) are much successful even if the global brands ( Coca Cola, Pepsi) are present.
Our soft drinks industry follows some innovative, strong and continuous improving production and marketing techniques. Although quality is not the prime concern of our people, they mainly prefer cost effective soft drinks. The local companies are competing with global brands on the basis of lower cost. They are capturing the urban markets by offering some innovative marketing plan and offer. In rural areas they are very strong in distribution strategy and price effectiveness.
Our local brands understand the psychology of our people more than the global brands. That’s why they are showing much more effectiveness in this sector. Besides, local brands are using technology based production plant with mass production and order to stock basis. Skilled and lower paid manpower, and innovative marketing projects are also the factors that are associated with success of these firms acting in this industry.
In Bangladesh soft drinks are found in some different types, these are:
Carbonated beverage.
Juice or flavored drink
Energy drink
Soft drinks have a huge market in Bangladesh because of the huge population density derived demand. Most of the soft drinks are of global brand. The production of the soft drinks is franchise or license basis.
The soft drinks market in Bangladesh consists mainly of seven