
Summary Of American Holocaust The Conquest Of The New World

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Summary Of American Holocaust The Conquest Of The New World
In 1992, David Stannard published a book that depicted the struggles of the American Natives from the time Christopher Columbus landed. His book, American Holocaust- the Conquest of the New World, is a story of ruthless countries trying to gain land in the Americas at any and all cost. The story takes place in North America from the late 1400’s forward. Stannard’s book raised many questions of what exactly took place during this time period and where it actually stands in the over brutality of conquering land for the sake of a king. Throughout American history many people have been cheated, lied to, suffered great loss and have been killed because of race, religion or the color of their skin. These things were felt by many, but none …show more content…
Each of them started setting up colonies along the East coast of the Continent and started to expand. They each had a distinct type of colonization technique. The Spaniards began in what would become Mexico. They were called Conquistadors and were very ruthless. They had one goal in mind and that was to claim land and destroy anything in their way. Unfortunately their vicious acts of violence weren’t what did most of the damage to the natives. They carried diseases like influenza, malaria and measles with them and so millions of the natives died from these diseases. After decades of this type of treatment from the Conquistadors, the Spanish Crown realized that if they wanted to have permanent Catholic colonies in North America they would have to change. In 1542 Charles I created “The New Laws of the Indies” which in it he stated “That having for many years had will and intention as leisure to occupy ourselves with the affairs of the Indies, on account of their great importance, as well in that touching the service of God our Lord and increase of his holy Catholic faith, as in the preservation of the natives of those parts, and the good government and preservation of their persons.” (Stevens) This was supposed to protect the Natives from being killed for no reason or being turned into slaves. Although it had good intentions and things were better, it was too vague and left too much interpretation to the local

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