Aireana story which was mentioned at the start of the essay, emotion was shown from her and her kids. Aireana didn’t want to let her kids see her bleed out, not only it would make her kids sad, it would have made her sad as well. Unfortunately, her kids saw her bleed out which made them cry and scream which showed emotion towards their mother. Pathos can be found in the reader. Can anyone imagine getting randomly shot at in the car with your kids inside? One of the readers could’ve been a victim or know someone who’s been a victim to Aireana’s experience. Aireana’s story bring pathos to this argument …show more content…
Facts about PTSD was revealed and explained in the argument. For example, “The burden of post-traumatic stress on low-income communities of color gets very little attention.” Or even, “Trauma surgeons said they were aware of the burden of post-traumatic stress on their patients, but it was hard to get hospitals to spend money on new programs or staff to deal with PTSD.” The examples shown was said by people with very high credibility which will be in more detail next paragraph which focuses on ethos. Another way logic was shown is the field studies that was performed in the form of surveys. One survey stated in the article said, “A 2014 ProPublica survey of 21 trauma centers in the nation’s most violent cities found that only three—in New Orleans, Detroit and Richmond—routinely screened victims of violence for the disorder.” Another survey that was conducted said, “[Medical Researchers] surveyed residents who had been exposed to violence in cities such as Detroit and Baltimore and noticed symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): nightmares, obsessive thoughts, a constant sense of danger.” Showing facts and field works from people with credibility successfully present logos in the