Nationwide, educators are implementing the usage of trigger warnings to shield emotional and physical pain from civilians that may be fragile. Trigger warning or viewer discretion are acts of kindness that help protect people with histories of conditions. In article that was published in August of 2015, “Trigger warnings don’t hinder freedom of expression: they expand it” by Lindy West, she states that “a trigger warning is letting the audience know about potentially disturbing content” (West). West also discusses psychiatric conditions that people may have, like PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), sexual assault, and more. A common example of a trigger warning could be when college professor is showing a video that holds content that might be sensitive to rape victims. Before showing the video, the professor should say, “Trigger warning- rape”. Because of the professor’s trigger warning, the student’s that may have been sexually assaulted now have time to mentally prepare themselves for video ahead.
Furthermore, in West’s article, she expresses the importance of how trigger warnings not only expand learning but how it allows people with traumatic histories to prepare …show more content…
However, some readers might not enjoy the article because she paraphrases that it is not always a good thing to be sheltered, and that being able to handle trigger warnings are a sign of stability. Another example of why some members of the audience might not like this article is because West discusses psychiatric conditions in a vulgar way. She emphasizes the main points of these conditions without involving sensitivity to the potential trauma survivors reading it. Although there are some weak aspects in the article, the effectiveness of everything else creates a