There are two essential parts of conversational analysis which are analytic and methodological orientations. Thus, this paper will discuss some aspects of the subsequent development of conversation-analytic research and findings that dominantly based on anthropologist’s interest. There are dimensions of context that are accomplished within a turn at talk and in sequences of talk, preference and politeness, conversation-analytic approaches to narrative and story-telling and the relevance of conversational analysis to anthropology.
Within conversational analysis, there are some salient researches that focused on the problem in setting where social interaction is different with conversational interaction. One of them is, Sack study (1974) which indicated that among various form of interactions, turn taking procedures might differ. As shown in his studies of courtrooms, classroom and news-interview. This study is dealing with the problem of context and categorization because the use of turn taking whether it is distinctive or normatively sanctioned, it indicates the participants’ pervasive orientation to particular social context and identities