
Summary Of Judith Jarvis Thomson's A Defense Of Abortion

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Summary Of Judith Jarvis Thomson's A Defense Of Abortion
Judith Jarvis Thomson’s “A Defense of Abortion” argues that even if we all agree that a fetus a person from the moment of conception, and a person has an essential right to life, the mother’s right to determine what she does and does not do with her body supersedes the rights of the unborn infant. Judith Jarvis Thomson illustrates her point by asking the reader to imagine that you wake up in the morning, and you discover that you have been kidnapped in order to save a life of a famous violinist. The violinist’s circulatory system has been plugged into yours, and if you were to unplug yourself, he would die. It will take nine months for him recover, and only then can he be unplugged from you. (Boss, J. A. (2013) pg. 88-89) Obviously, you

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