As if having an ill child is not hard enough, Kelsey’s Story urges parents and care givers to be involved in their child’s care. It is not enough to be there and be supportive, and trust that the medical professionals will make no mistake. Kelsey’s Story tells parents that they are their child’s best defense against errors that occur in the health care system everyday. Reading Kelsey’s Story makes me grateful for the supportive families of our patients. As heath care providers we …show more content…
As put by Kelsey’s father, it is not as though healthcare providers who make mistakes are bad people, or are doing a bad job, they are more often than not good people who are absolutely doing their best and simply made a mistake. Mistakes happen in the healthcare system far too often, but if we can put into practice some of the safe guards that we are taught I think we can decrease these errors. No one wants to be the nurse who makes a mistake. I cannot imagine the horror of giving a lethal dose of mediation, or giving medication to the wrong patient. We have all heard the statistics surrounding medication errors, and while impactful in their own right, it is far more impactful when these medication errors are attached to a real person and a real story. Kelsey’s Story is something that I will hold on to, and something that will drive me to double, triple, and quadruple check, regardless of how busy I may