She collected these traits and defined it as masculine based on knowledge and social interaction. She discusses the idea that he is America’s seduction: the perfect person. This is buying into stereotypes, since he is that muscular, good looking, blue eyed guy with great values.Evans is the person who allowed his drunk friend who is a girl sleep it off at his apartment and kindly drives her home the next day, making sure that she was safe. Even though she understands the concept of gender roles through the symbolic interaction theory, the way it is enforced in the article is not exactly correct. First of all, The symbolic interaction theory analyzes human behavior by observing the roles of symbols in human interaction. Characteristics in gender identities are socially constructed and reinforced.the meaning of masculinity that she attaches is different than what society says what masculine is.However, what she does wrong is that she sets gender roles by saying that he is average and that is okay. Men and Women are expected to perform the roles set out for them to the point it is
She collected these traits and defined it as masculine based on knowledge and social interaction. She discusses the idea that he is America’s seduction: the perfect person. This is buying into stereotypes, since he is that muscular, good looking, blue eyed guy with great values.Evans is the person who allowed his drunk friend who is a girl sleep it off at his apartment and kindly drives her home the next day, making sure that she was safe. Even though she understands the concept of gender roles through the symbolic interaction theory, the way it is enforced in the article is not exactly correct. First of all, The symbolic interaction theory analyzes human behavior by observing the roles of symbols in human interaction. Characteristics in gender identities are socially constructed and reinforced.the meaning of masculinity that she attaches is different than what society says what masculine is.However, what she does wrong is that she sets gender roles by saying that he is average and that is okay. Men and Women are expected to perform the roles set out for them to the point it is