Pantina Artis IT 103-005 February 27, 2013 Satellite Radio “By placing this statement on my webpage, I certify that I have read and understand the GMU Honor Code on http://oai.gmu.edu/honor-code/. I am fully aware of the following sections of the Honor Code: Extent of the Honor Code, Responsibility of the Student and Penalty. In addition, I have received permission from the copyright holder for any copyrighted material that is displayed on my site. This includes quoting extensive amounts of text, any material copied directly from a web page and graphics/pictures that are copyrighted. This project or subject material has not been used in another class by me or any other student. Finally, I certify that this site is not for commercial purposes, which is a violation of the George Mason Responsible Use of Computing (RUC) Policy posted on http://universitypolicy.gmu.edu/1301gen.html web site.”
Running Head: Satellite Radio Introduction Satellite radio is a more advanced substitute to terrestrial-based services. The choice of capturing radio frequencies via satellite involvement allows access to a mobile radio service. Satellite radio functions with the help of fixed-location receivers, dish antennas and signal repeaters. These commercial investments permit the listeners to enjoy hands-free communication over immense geographical areas. It provides coverage around tall buildings and bridges, in any weather, without the slightest interruption unlike terrestrial. The dish antennas and signal repeaters are invested in and set-up by the providers of the technology, to make signals or frequencies more available to listeners within a set range. Background Digital Audio Radio Service (DARS) was launched by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in 1992 by creating specific segments of radio frequency for satellite broadcast on radio. An auction was later held for the buying of these particular radio frequencies and two companies