There were numerous things that stood out to me in the video, but the way Mr. Robert created a positive classroom climate for the children, touched me. It touched me because he made the classroom reflect a home, a family unit, through the pictures of the children and their artwork on the walls, instead of bought materials. The children …show more content…
For example, Mr. Robert made it clear to the students, there will be consequences, if they are not seen helping in the area they played in. Children are reminded of lost privilege before assigned area and Mr. Robert calmly states to the children that they didn’t need to call children’s names out because they already know who they were. While reading the book about seeds, he kept reminding the children about raising their hands, letting them know the expectation, while on the carpet. I liked that he stated the children needed to learn there is a time to speak and a time to listen and his explanation about Ms. Rosie and him, speaking at the same time, his how he feels when they speak at once, helps the children understand why they raise their hand. Using positive discipline, Mr. Robert spoke to the child Damion, by getting down to his level and reminded him he wouldn’t want to be screamed at, as well as letting Damion know his voice could be heard across the room. He explained to Damion about his behaviour, in a calm voice, through the example of empathy for others and his voice proximity. Mr. Robert used fair and consistent reminders because the children already knew the rules and expectation in the