81). She then presents the argument of feminist theologian Karen Trimble Alliaume, who believes that the reason women aren’t allowed to be priests is because, “the institutional catholic economy of salvation is one of imitation,” (pg. 81) and women cannot properly fulfill that requirement because they aren’t men and jesus was a man. Women cannot exist as an imitation of jesus, but rather as a separate and complimentary being (bride of christ) (pg.
81). She then presents the argument of feminist theologian Karen Trimble Alliaume, who believes that the reason women aren’t allowed to be priests is because, “the institutional catholic economy of salvation is one of imitation,” (pg. 81) and women cannot properly fulfill that requirement because they aren’t men and jesus was a man. Women cannot exist as an imitation of jesus, but rather as a separate and complimentary being (bride of christ) (pg.