
Summary Of Suetonius The Twelve Caesars

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Summary Of Suetonius The Twelve Caesars
Marriage is between man and woman also meant for the married couple to procreate and replenish the earth is ordained of god, and then we have same-sex marriage that pollutes sacred matrimony, and on top of that, you can’t procreate, which I believe is Satan’s mockery of god's law, it is a crime against nature only animals have ever acted in such a way the only difference is they do not have the intelligence that mankind has. Same-sex marriage can lead to persecution and destruction. For example, In Suetonius The Twelve Caesars we can read that it has actually been done before in early Christian history the roman emperor Nero (horrible man by the way) he actually tried to turn a boy named Sporus into a girl by castrating him and later went …show more content…
We declare that God’s commandment for His children to multiply and replenish the earth remains in force. We further declare that God has commanded that the sacred powers of procreation are to be employed only between man and woman, lawfully wedded as husband and wife.” How can we follow that law if there is such a unity as man and man? It is something that can only destroy, that sounds a little too much like the way Lucifer would want things done, which is a scary thought considering how many counties, city’s, states, and country’s now have it legalized. God destroyed Sodomy by itself is already abominable to God imagine adding mocking marriage on top of that it would be the spiritual version of pouring oil on the fire. The question is will we be judged for giving approval of something that’s abominable before him? We will be. That’s why it is very important to take a stand on such issues as these, I do not mean to say that we should start a witch hunt against anyone who has same-sex attraction, no that would be like indirectly committing another sin, they are after all human beings just like you and, me we should still love them but we don’t have to approve of the

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