| |Viewing success in terms of personal progression rather than being in competition with others, |…
“success is making ourselves useful in the world, valuable to society, helping in lifting in the level of humanity, so conducting ourselves that when we go the world will be somewhat better of having lived the brief span of our lives” (Target, 2014).…
Winning by losing- A T’ai Chi expression that describes the profit of breakdown near success. It encourage stress reduction by joyful and happiness.…
I think win-win because I strive every day for my own success. I often motivate others to strive for their goals. I have four coworkers attending Western Governors University to get their Bachelors of Science in nursing, that I frequently motivate to keep working hard to finish. When solving conflicts, I try to get to the root of the problem then find a solution hoping that the same conflict won’t…
The book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey, demonstrates how teenagers can be more effective and independent. Following the 7 habits can have you make smarter decisions or overcome addictions, even find a balance between school, work, friends, dating and anything else you might be doing. My three favorite habits are Be Proactive, Put First Things First, and Seek First to Understand, then to Be Understood.…
According to Covey, and the seven habits, teens should complete private victory before public. This is how we can achieve wholeness in our daily lives. Some teens think they need to make everyone like them before they…
The day of the eighth grade promotion was filled with mixed emotions. I was very nervous but also excited to be leaving middle school. I was mostly nervous because I would have to walk up onto the stage in front of over a hundred people. I didn’t want to go because of how nervous I was. The school day was uneventful. We went over what we were supposed to do in the gym multiple times. Even though the day was boring and uneventful, I was nervous the entire school day. In The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens, Sean Covey states, “Putting first things first also deals with learning to overcome your fears and being strong during hard moments” (Covey 106). In order to overcome my fear and stay strong I had to put first things first. I was worrying…
Competition can help kids learn how to win and lose gracefully. Many people believe that competition is good for kids and some people have even written books about what they think about competition. According to Po Bronson, author of book Top Dog: The Science of Winning and Losing, “If kids don’t learn to lose they’re going to feel entitled to win,” said Bronson. “They’re also going to make a connection that fear of losing is going to prevent them from taking the risk in the first place. And what kids do need to learn is losing is not that big a deal. They need to learn to lose and go ‘Oh, whatever,’ and move on and keep playing.(“Why Competition Can Be Healthy”). If kids learned how to win and lose gracefully, then there probably wouldn’t…
“You arrive at a goal and that makes you happy, but then you notice that the happiness is composed half of relief, half of self satisfaction; the latter half makes you distinctly nervous, and you fall to chewing on your achievements, discounting them. This then becomes the spur to more achievements, more happiness, and more guilt”…
Covey completely shocked me early on in the book, when he went over the 7 habits of highly defective teens, when he stated, “Habit 4: Think Win- Lose. See life as a vicious competition. Your classmate is out to get you, so you’d better get him or her first. Don’t let anyone else succeed at anything, because, remember, if they win, you lose. If it looks like you’re going to lose, however, make sure you drag that sucker down with you.” (page 7). This statement mortified me. Half of my life I have been racing to be better than others because the best at anything get the prize. The best students go to ivy-league schools. The best athletes go to the pros. I even thought that all grading was grading on a curve for a couple years, where only a few…
Albert Einstein once said, “Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value”. Implying that people tend to get blinded in the hunt of personal triumph in their lives that they forget what really is important to them. Similarly, in Alfie Kohn’s How “Not to Get into College”, Daniel Barwick’s “The So Called Iced Cream” and Heron Jones’s Somnambulist, the authors develop the message that people assume that chasing external rewards equals joy and satisfaction in their lives. However, their intentions ultimately lead to temporary happiness, long term problems mainly due to the fact that they expel the thought of intrinsic…
In the eyes of individuals with a “fixed mindset”, the outcome is what it is. If the outcome is not a complete success, it is a complete failure. There is little to no middle ground for people with a fixed mindset. These are the people who often get great grades, have great performances, and are told all their life that they are great individuals. These feelings of greatness are completely demolished as soon as these individuals encounter any amount of failure or let down. To people with a fixed mindset, things are usually black or white, seldom do…
Locked up: should teens be tried as adults? (2008, 04 12) Weekly Reader publication p 1…
So let’s explore this strange idea called Think Win-Win. Win-Win is not Win-Lose, Lose-Win, or Lose-Lose. They are all common but poor attitudes toward life. Climb aboard, strap yourself in and let’s take a look at each…
Winston Churchill once said, "a pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty”. Churchill was extolled for his leadership in the face of adversity and achieved great success in World War II because of the way he viewed problems as opportunities. People can most successfully respond to conflict with optimism. Some people believe that optimists don’t live in reality and can’t see the true extent of a problem. However, optimists fight hard to find solutions and regain a sense of control when adversity strikes. Also, research suggests that optimists develop more positive ways of explaining disappointing events allowing them to cope with disappointment. Finally, optimism helps people…