He simply states how, due to His being Creator of all, He has absolute supremacy over everything. However, His relationship to His people is different than one would normally expect of a monarch. Rather than using His ultimate power to have complete control over His creation to the point of tyranny, He has graciously chosen to delegate a portion of His authority to us, His image-bearers. Pinnock explains that it is quite obvious in the Bible that God chooses to use His power in such a way that we are still allowed to make our own choices when we are faced with
He simply states how, due to His being Creator of all, He has absolute supremacy over everything. However, His relationship to His people is different than one would normally expect of a monarch. Rather than using His ultimate power to have complete control over His creation to the point of tyranny, He has graciously chosen to delegate a portion of His authority to us, His image-bearers. Pinnock explains that it is quite obvious in the Bible that God chooses to use His power in such a way that we are still allowed to make our own choices when we are faced with