
Summary Of The Source Of Happiness By Dalai Lama

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Summary Of The Source Of Happiness By Dalai Lama
For my fifty birthdays, I’m thinking of throwing a great party in honor of that I lived a magnificent life full of health. I’m inviting all my close friends and family members to come delight with me that special day. Among my guests are Thomas Jefferson, Dalai Lama, C.S. Lewis, Gretchen Rubin, and Stu Horsfield since, they are very great friends of mine. Thomas Jefferson the director of the Declaration independence in 1776. Jefferson wanted power that’s why on the 4th of July the congress passed the final wording of the declaration written by him. Moreover, he voted for what United State of American separated from Great Britain. Dalai Lama the author of “The Source of Happiness” from the book pursuing happiness. He talks about two of his …show more content…
Lewis proclaims on marriage’s happiness once you get marriage you are not enabled to pursue happiness with someone else. Your happiness should derive from your partner. In the same way, Lewis describe on the book, “Mr. A.’s “right” to desert his wife is one of “sexual morality” (230). On the other hand, Lama argues that sex only brings pleasure, not full happiness because is only for a moment and later is gone. In the other hand, in the declaration of independence, Thomas Jefferson said, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” Jefferson added to this, happiness should come from you not wait for someone else to come make you happy. I agree with Thomas Jefferson because we all equal, therefore we have the right to be happy no matter what. Our mission in this life is to pursue our own happiness in what we think that make us happy. Liberty is one key to our happiness because with liberty we can do whatever we want. Spending the time on what we most like to do is the feeling of

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