Steak recalls being very careful about opinions as they could quickly remove her from obtaining any information she might need to continue her research. Nevertheless, as stated before they were times were she acknowledges providing subtle personal opinion and how this can quickly backfire. Sterk was trying very hard to avoid involving her personal views. Given her position and background knowledge about women’s health, it must be very difficult to refrain from providing personal opinion. Thus, explains why at times she found herself leaving the scene and refraining from going to certain places or even dealing with certain
Steak recalls being very careful about opinions as they could quickly remove her from obtaining any information she might need to continue her research. Nevertheless, as stated before they were times were she acknowledges providing subtle personal opinion and how this can quickly backfire. Sterk was trying very hard to avoid involving her personal views. Given her position and background knowledge about women’s health, it must be very difficult to refrain from providing personal opinion. Thus, explains why at times she found herself leaving the scene and refraining from going to certain places or even dealing with certain