
Summary Of Wesley Lowery They Can T Kill Us All

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Summary Of Wesley Lowery They Can T Kill Us All
The “They Can’t Kill Us All” lecture was a very informative lecture and gave many eye-opening statistics. Wesley Lowery is a journalist from the Washington Post and author of “They Can’t Kill Us All”. His lectured covered the importance of America’s Racial Justice Movement and he explained his experience with the Ferguson shooting. When he went to Ferguson, he thought he was just going to be there for 3 days to find some information, but ended up spending three months in Ferguson gathering data and information from tons of people. Lowery was the lead for the Fatal Force project, which meant he had to find out how many people were killed by the police, but it was really hard for him to find that information, because no one wanted to admit to how high the number is. …show more content…
At first, he said he did not expect much emotion about this shooting because “it was just another police shooting”. After he got to Ferguson though, he became confused on where to begin his interviews, because a lot of people would not speak to him. He said when he typically goes to press conferences for the families that have lost their loved ones, it is just immediate family there. But, when he got to the conference for Michael Brown there was about 400 people inside and about 100 people outside waiting to hear the news because they had reached maximum occupancy inside. Lowery said he was able to talk to other reporters, police, and the community and finally got some information that he wanted. After he did all of his researching, he found that about 900 people are killed every year by the police since

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