
Summary Of Why My Father Can T Grow A Beard

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Summary Of Why My Father Can T Grow A Beard
Racism is a long lasting burden for numerous amounts of people, more than you would believe, in fact according to (The Atlantic) just a tad more than two out of five Americans believe that Islam inspires violence more than all other faiths. To add to this, (Pew Research) released a poll stating that nearly nine in ten African Americans don’t feel racially equal. These whopping percentages evidently expresses issues that need to be resolved when you look into modern day America. Acts of racism are seen in
Why my father can't grow a beard, by Erica Pandey, this story shows a family where the two parents were born and raised in Nepal, have accents and don’t speak great English. Another act is seen when Adam Jones, the center fielder for the Baltimore
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Both incidences are perfect of examples of what it’s like to live each and every day for some citizens of the U.S. Despite the fact that, Why my father can't grow a beard, and the Adam Jones incident share similarities in aspects to generalized racism, they contrast from a standpoint of expression and importance. Not to say that one form of racism is less unsettling than another, however Why my father can’t grow a beard, is more to dread about. This is due to the fact that the story tells of a more common occurrence of racism versus the Adam Jones incident. Within the short story, imagery is used to show a picture of the falling Twin Towers from the horrid terrorist attacks on 9/11. The picture was used during the interaction between the US border patrol officer and the father when the officer claimed “The last time we let people like you into our country, this happened”(Pandey 2). Now, if this isn’t a prime example of racial profiling, I don’t know what is. This incident differs from the situation Adam Jones found himself earlier this year on May the second while playing at the Boston Red Sox’s historic Fenway Park. After peanuts had been thrown at Jones, and racial slurs directed towards him have been presented,

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