October 20, 2014
Jeffrey Dodd As a manager of Van Rensselaer Manor Nursing Home Rehabilitation Center, we now are going to propose a new addition of long-term care services along with still having services for short-term on an inpatient and outpatient basis. The future of our organization’s growth internally and externally will demand how well we communication our abilities not only to our staff but to our surrounding community. We will be in need of new experience workers for physical therapy, counselors to work with patients and families, along with specialized doctors and nurses. Communication will be the number one factor in finding the right professionals …show more content…
for our organizations growth within the community. Our communication tactics need to be easily understood by all parties, and we need not use overpowering management terms so that employees think we are talking down to them. Effective communication means having everyone on the same page learning from one another while growing inside and outside the organization. Leadership involves good communication among all ranks of the management team and staff. Coaching, mentoring and walking around the office each day getting to know your people personally and their working skills will improve the growth internally and externally of the organization. Effective internal communication starts with our organization having sufficient skills in listening, speaking, questioning and sharing feedback.
As a manager, it is my job and my management team to ensure that the most important outcome from the above skills is conveying that we value hearing from others and them hearing from us. Sharing information on a regular basis with the staff is effective communication and will keep the organization’s mission number one in everyone’s goals. “The main differences between internal and external company communications are the content and the audience. Internal communications include employees and shareholders, such as the company 's board of directors or stockholders. External communications include clients, prospective customers and the public. Internal information, such as a company policy change, is typically kept private because the message is either irrelevant to outsiders or simply supposed to be kept private. External messages may include information about new products or about a company initiative. External messages are usually released to gain customers, build the company brand or influence how the public thinks about the organization” (Denise Brandenberg, eHow
Contributor). At Van Rensselaer Manor Nursing Home Rehabilitation and soon to be Long-Term Health Care Facility, we will be releasing information to the public on our goals. We will be sending e-mails to our vendors, newspapers will be notified, and there will be a public forum held at the local library for questions and answers. The people in our community need to know how we are going to make the improvements in our organization and still have adequate health care services for our regular clients. Our mission is to have the state of the art long-term-care facility that involves the patient, family members and the community advocating one another to reach our goals.
Basics in Internal Organizational Communications Retrieved from http://managementhelp.org/organizationalcommunications/internal.htmCOMMUNICATION IN ORGANIZATIONS Retrieved from http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/encyclopedia/Clo-Con/Communication-in-Organizations.htmlInternal & External Business Communication by Denise Brandenberg, eHow Contributor Retrieved from: